ReliaFund Blog

3 Ways to Optimize the Online Checkout Process

You want to design and structure your payment process with the customer in mind. If customers stumble upon issues when checking out, they may give up and cut the purchase short, or not make a return purchase while knowing that they may run into the issue again. You’ll want to be sure to employ the…
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Ensuring Security with the ACH System

The National Automated Clearinghouse Association (NACHA) is the organization that administers ACH payments. Due to the vast amount of sensitive information that is transmitted via ACH payments, the NACHA has set specific security regulations that must be followed by any business that conducts ACH transactions. These security rules protect customers and establish the requirement of…
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ACH Processing for Small Businesses

Through the National Automated Clearing House Association (NAC), 25 billion transactions are processed per year securely.  An Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network will allow for funds to be transferred between two bank accounts, whether through direct payment or direct deposit. Payroll, refunds, government benefits, and any other types of electronic transactions can be completed using…
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2019 Holiday Shopping Trends and Benefits of ACH Processing

It’s no secret that cyber threats are a risk nowadays, as we hear continually about yet another cyber attack. Even years after the fact, cyberattacks are uncovered and we learn that our data was compromised during the holiday season or another time. Of course, as major online spending dates like Cyber Monday increase revenue exponentially,…
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A Primer On Money Services Businesses

  Money Service Businesses or MSB’s are an essential part of today’s society and they continue to evolve and expand their list of solutions to cater to Americans from all walks of life. Chances are high that you have passed by or transacted with at least one MSB in the recent months. According to the…
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Electronic Payments Compliance 101

Offering online payments within your application or to your end-users and customers is part of every modern business. Because of this shift, enterprises have specific standards that they must follow if they choose to accept electronic payment and online bill pay services. In order to be compliant and to keep customer data secure, you must…
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Common eCheck Processing Misconceptions

Until a recent shift, paying your bills involved manually writing checks, looking for stamps, and taking time out of your day to go to the post office or the nearest mailbox. Today, these recurring payments are often made online using debit or credit cards, and eChecks. There are several common myths and misconceptions around electronic…
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pci compliance

What is PCI Compliance?

As businesses continue to see a drop in cash transactions, the ability to accept credit cards and other payment methods is practically a must-have in business. However, it also comes with distinct responsibilities. You need to ensure that your customer information is secure and that you are enforcing policies that prevent it from falling into…
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