ReliaFund Blog

e-commerce trends

E-Commerce Trends for 2022

During 2020, e-commerce grew by 33.6% to a total of almost $800 million. By the end of 2021, it’s expected to grow another 13.7% to reach $908 billion, which is more than $147 billion more than what would have been expected had the pandemic never happened. E-commerce trends are emerging rapidly because the demand for…
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online shopping experience

5 Ways to Optimize Online Shopping Experience

Online shopping grows in popularity every year, and this year is no different. The convenience and quick turnarounds are great assets to your business from a customer perspective, and your customer experience should always be a top priority. Here are 5 ways to optimize your online shopping experience. Reduce Friction Do you have a website…
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ach payments safe

Are ACH Payments Safe?

ACH payments have been gaining popularity in the last several years. There was a big spike in its use during 2020 because the nature of ACH is contactless payments, and since we are moving away from the high-alert days of the coronavirus pandemic, we wanted to talk about something important: are ACH payments safe? ACH…
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payment fraud

How to Stop Payment Fraud: 4 Tips

Payment fraud is affecting more and more businesses as they increase their e-commerce and online presence. So, let’s talk about current trends in payment fraud, and some tips for keeping your payments safe. Payment Fraud by the Numbers Payment fraud can occur in lots of ways, including identity theft, CNP (card-not-present) fraud, malware, credit card…
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holiday shopping

Holiday Shopping Is Trending Early This Year

Last year, they said October was “the new December.” And this year’s holiday shopping season started even sooner, in anticipation of holiday supply shortages caused by the industry effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Retail giant Amazon started promoting Black Friday sales events in mid-October, more than a month before the actual day. So, let’s talk…
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same day ach

5 Years of Same Day ACH

Same Day ACH payment processing just turned five years old. And while that may seem like the blink of an eye, the growth it has experienced is astronomical. Nacha reports that 1.3 million payments worth roughly $1.5 billion were processed in the first six days of September 2021. That is a massive leap forward from…
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financial reports

3 Financial Reports You Should Run Monthly

The financial side of your business is complex and ever-evolving, and that’s why there are certain reports and checks you should be running through regularly. Procrastination and instant gratification tendencies tell us that we can always put it off until tomorrow, even when we know that’s not the best plan. Here are 3 financial reports…
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open banking

Open Banking: What You Should Know

The rise of fintech in the U.S. and abroad has shed light on a new area that could benefit from more collaboration. Open banking could be the collaboration tool that allows fintechs and traditional banking institutions the opportunity to work more efficiently to serve a growing and financially diverse customer base. Let’s discuss its role,…
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